From the Desk of the 2015 Rapidan District Governor
It is with great pleasure that I am sharing with you the news I received today that the Ruritan National Foundation has signed up to participate in the Amazon Smile program!
I would like to challenge all Ruritan members that shop on Amazon dot com to sign up for the Amazon Smile program and designate their chosen charity as the Ruritan National Foundation. The Amazon Smile program is a way to shop through Amazon, and have a percentage of the price of your “eligible purchases” be donated to your designated charity. In this case, Ruritan’s National Foundation!
This is a no-cost method for the Amazon shopper way to get money to the Foundation! What are you waiting for? Here are details about how it works, taken from the Amazon dot com’s website:
[embeddoc url=”http://www.rapidandistrictruritan.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/About-AmazonSmile_-Program-details-and-FAQ.pdf” height=”700px”]