Page, Samuel M., 1958-1959, Cove Garden Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Payne, Fulton, 1961-1962, Three Chopt Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Palmer, Syd, 1963-1965, Belmont Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Peterson, Curt, 1955-1958, White Hall Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Philcox, Hank, 1963-1965, Belmont Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Propst, John W., 1942-1946, Albemarle Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Rogers, Donald, 1969-1972, Rochelle Ruritan
Sisk, William D., 1968-1971, Culpeper Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Sumner, John, 1976-1979, Holly Grove Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Sweeney, John, 19??-19??, Earlysville Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Thacker, Jimmy, 1953-1955, Monticello Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Thacker, Samuel R. (Sammy), 1961-1963, Monticello Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Urion, Jack E., 1954-1956, Belmont Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Wallace, William, 1961-1964, East Orange Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Watson, Debbie, 1968-1971, White Hall Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Watson, James, 1964-1985, White Hall Ruritan (photo Army recruitment poster)
Wenger, Harold, 19??-19??, Chancellor Ruritan
US Army Air CorpsMastin, Linwood, 1945-1948, Chancellor RuritanUS Army 82nd Airborne DivisionPulliam, Robert, L, 1946-1948, Fluvanna County Ruritan (photo 82 Airborne Division poster)US Army 101st Airborne DivisionMacDonald, Alexander, 1961-1964, Holly Grove RuritanUS Army 173rd Airborne BrigadeEdson, Brian W, 1962-1964, Albemarle Ruritan (photo US Army Airborne poster)US Army Ranger AirborneGrassi, Robert H., 1955 – 1983, Greene County RuritanUS Army National Guard
Carder, Paul R. Sr. 19??-19?? East Orange Ruritan (Army National Guard logo)
McGhee, Charles, 19??-19??, Chancellor Ruritan
Mercurio, Robert P., 1971-1981, Chancellor Ruritan
Pemberton, Daniel, 1966-1972, Chancellor Ruritan
Seale, Hunter, 1969-1976, Rochelle Ruritan (photo VA National Guard Poster)
Thorburn, Allan, 1965-1971, Chancellor Ruritan
US Army Reserve
Brittain, Fritz R., 1955-1962, Rochelle Ruritan (photo Army Reserve poster)
Dunbar, Jerry, 1970-1976, Belmont Ruritan (photo Army Reserve poster)
Gardiner, Clayton, Army 1983-????, then Army Reserves until 2003, Lignum Ruritan (photo Army Reserve poster)
Martin, Sanford (Sandy) L., 1960-1966, Salem Ruritan (photo Army Reserve poster)
Maupin, Kenneth G, 1970-1976, Albemarle Ruritan (photo Army Reserve poster)
Payne, Fulton, 1963-1967, Three Chopt Ruritan (photo Army Reserve poster)
Philcox, Hank, 1965-1981, Belmont Ruritan (photo Army Reserve poster)
Stilley, Robert “Bo,” 1955-1960, Belmont Ruritan (photo Army Reserve poster)
US Coast GuardNorford, Millard B., 1950-1953, Stony Point (VA) Ruritan (photo Coast Guard poster)US Marines
Estes, Robert “Buck,”1942-1946, Barboursville Ruritan (then and now)
Frame, Elvin D., 1953-1957, Albemarle Ruritan (photo Marines poster)
Gilmer, John B., 19??-19??, Louisa County Ruritan (photo Marines poster)
Hitchcock, William, 1961-1964, Fluvanna County Ruritan (photo Marines poster)
Biggers, William, 1960-1966, Holly Grove Ruritan (photo US Marine Reserve recruitment poster)
Gruber, Frederick, R., 1963-1969, Belmont Ruritan
US Navy
Beach, Cary, 1965-1972, Fluvanna County Ruritan
Buchanan, Neal, 1949-1956, Chancellor Ruritan
Burkholder, Robert, 1957-1961, Greene County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Caldwell, Billy, 1988-1996, Greene County Ruritan Club
Cechman, Larry F., 1966-1970, Chancellor Ruritan
Childress, Joseph W. A., 1955-1981, Fluvanna County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Cobb, George T., 1967-1970, Fluvanna Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Cole, Mark, 1980-1985, Chancellor Ruritan
Craddock, Gary J., 1961-1967, Belmont Ruritan
Dean, Tom, 1969-1992, Greene County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
DeCoursey, Donald, W., 1965-1975, Belmont Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Degon, Neil, 1956-1960, Belmont Ruritan
Doerr, Robert C., 1944-1947, Greene County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Eaton, Richard R., 1960–1981, Fluvanna County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Edmonds, Larry, 19??-19??, Louisa County Ruritan (photo Navy recruitment poster)
Ferris, Russell, 1943-1946, Salem Ruritan (photo Navy poster)
Fortner, Steven, 1968-1978, Belmont Ruritan
Franzén, David B., 1980-1983, reserve 1983-1989, Cove Garden Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Gore, Jerry, 1955-1959, Green County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Gray, Eldridge, 1952-1956, Earlysville Ruritan
Grigg, William, 19??-19??, Fluvanna County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Harmon, John, 1977-1981, Belmont Ruritan
Hayden, Bob, 1944-1946, Belmont Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Jordan, O. Burgess, 1953-1959, Fluvanna County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Lischke, Jim, 19??-19??, Salem Ruritan (photo Navy poster)
Mac Gregor, Bruce H., 1963-1967, Chancellor Ruritan
McDermott, Herb, 1961-1969, Belmont Ruritan
Oppy, James, 1964-1967, Belmont Ruritan
Reynolds, David, 1978-1985, Cove Garden Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Schmitt, Carl A., 1964-1969, Greene County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Scott, Robert R., 1947-1956, Chancellor Ruritan
Slezak, Norm, 1955-1987, Greene County Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Smith, Milton, 1944-1946, Albemarle Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Spiker, Ronald T., 1967-1971, 1977-1994, Chancellor Ruritan
Willis, Edwin L., 1967-1970, Lignum Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
Wright, Robert, 1944-1974, East Orange Ruritan (photo Navy recruiting poster)
US Navy Reserve
Cole, Mark, 1985-2004, Chancellor Ruritan
Dean, Tom, 1965-1969, Greene County Ruritan (photo Navy Reserve poster)
Hall, Steve, 1973-1985, Belmont Ruritan Club
Martin, Wiley R., Jr., 1964–1991, White Hall Ruritan
McKee, Walter, 1951-1966, Belmont Ruritan
Oppy, James, 1964-1967, Belmont Ruritan
US Public Health ServicesFarley, Emerson, Jr., 1965-1967, Fluvanna County Ruritan (photo USPHS recruitment poster)Honoring the United Allies
In addition to thanking, and honoring the US Veterans, we would like to take this opportunity to thank, and honor, the veterans of our Allied Forces.
Royal Air ForceFound, Doug, 1962-1967, Belmont RuritanRoyal MarinesRowe, David, 1958-1992, Jefferson (VA) Ruritan
Disclaimer: The purpose of this page is to honor our Ruritan members that served in the military, and to thank them for their years of service to our country. This entire website is created and maintained by a volunteer who has no military background, and there are certain to be errors made. Please take that into consideration before criticizing the well-meaning efforts to honor the veterans of the Ruritan Clubs in the Rapidan District! Efforts were made to have the military branch logos/seals close in size, as to not appear to “favor” one branch of the military more than another. Names will be added as they are received by the webmaster.
If you are a Ruritan member in the Rapidan District, and you served in the military, and your name is missing from this page, please notify the webmaster of your details so you can be included. The details requested are your name, branch of service, service start date, service end date (or list as still active) and which Ruritan Club you belong to.
We want to honor and thank our veterans with this public recognition.The structure of the page may be modified in the future. Modifications may include adding/deleting/revising text, and/or adding/deleting/revising graphics. This is a work in progress. If you notice any errors, we apologize for any duress that may cause you.
The use of graphics on this web page are meant to honor the veterans, and the branch of service. No disrespect is intended by the use of any graphic on this page. If a photograph of an individual is not available, a substitute graphic (generic in nature, reflecting the branch of service, not reflecting the actual rank of the individual) is being used simply as a formatting tool to make this web page have some uniformity in visual appeal. If you are uncomfortable with any graphic image being used in conjunction with YOUR own name, please contact the webmaster to make arrangements to replace the graphic. The intent of this website it to HONOR the veterans in every way possible. You can contact the webmaster using the form below:
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Thank you so much for looking at the page and leaving your comment. It’s nice to know someone is looking at the web page. Our veterans deserve all of the honors and glory we can give them!
I love how hard you are working on this tribute to the various men and women that have risked their lives for their people and their country. I hope that more and more folks will start sending you their information and their pictures so that we can thank them for their patriotism.
You have created a wonderful page to recognize and honor Veterans, who are members of Ruritan Clubs within the District, who served our Country, Honorably, with their military service. Thank you!
Thank you! We are honored to have so many in our midst, and it is OUR honor to express our gratitude to them on our website.
Fantastic job Linda. It means a lot to guys and gals my age. We HAD to serve our country and just did without thinking twice
Thank you Dennis! It has been our honor to create this page to honor, and thank our veterans for their service!
Thank you so much for looking at the page and leaving your comment. It’s nice to know someone is looking at the web page. Our veterans deserve all of the honors and glory we can give them!
I love how hard you are working on this tribute to the various men and women that have risked their lives for their people and their country. I hope that more and more folks will start sending you their information and their pictures so that we can thank them for their patriotism.
You have created a wonderful page to recognize and honor Veterans, who are members of Ruritan Clubs within the District, who served our Country, Honorably, with their military service. Thank you!
Thank you! We are honored to have so many in our midst, and it is OUR honor to express our gratitude to them on our website.
Fantastic job Linda. It means a lot to guys and gals my age. We HAD to serve our country and just did without thinking twice
Thank you Dennis! It has been our honor to create this page to honor, and thank our veterans for their service!