From the desk of the Lt. Governor:
Shortly after I joined the Ruritan club I found myself at one of the events, gazing at the Ruritan banner. That was when I first noticed the RUS and URBS inside the circle of the logo. I had no idea what RUS and URBS meant. I asked a couple of my fellow Ruritans what it meant, and they all shrugged. “I don’t know” was the verbal answer if anyone bothered to answer me. Then someone referred me to the club’s expert that knows EVERYTHING and he gladly explained to me that they were the latin words for “country” and “town.”
Last night, at the Zone 2 & 3 combined meeting, one of the Ruritan members asked me what the RUS and URBS meant. I explained, and made a mental note to add this explanation to the District Website – just in case anyone else might be interested!
So now you know, our logo explains we are a “country and town” club!