7124 Belmont Road
Mineral, VA 23117

The Belmont Ruritan Club and the Belmont Club of Women announce that their locally famous Annual Ham and Oyster Dinner has been scheduled for April 22, 2017, at the Belmont Community Center at 7124 Belmont Road, Mineral from 4-7 PM. Both clubs work diligently each year to serve 700-800 patrons over the four hour serving times with sit-down or take-out service. The dinner features deep fried oysters cooked on site, two ham selections, side dishes, beverages and homemade pie for dessert.
This major fund raising event supports many community needs inclusive of continuing education scholarships for our local high school students, fire and rescue units, and many special needs as they occur. The clubs especially invite new arrivals within the Lake Anna and surrounding areas to make plans to attend and support this very enjoyable and delicious dinner. Tickets are requested in Advance and are $16.00 adults, $8.50 children 6-12 yrs. Please call 540 854-7430 or e-mail markandpam@gmail.com.