Lunch will be provided by the New London Ruritan Club.
Please make lunch reservations with AVR President George by Sunday, September 13 2015
757-238-3413757-238-3413+17572383413+17572383413” data-numbertype=”paid” data-isfreecall=”false” data-isrtl=”false” data-ismobile=”false”>757-238-3413757-238-3413+17572383413+17572383413+17572383413+17572383413” data-numbertype=”paid” data-isfreecall=”false” data-isrtl=”false” data-ismobile=”false”>+17572383413+17572383413” data-numbertype=”paid” data-isfreecall=”false” data-isrtl=”false” data-ismobile=”false”>757-238-3413757-238-3413+17572383413+17572383413” data-numbertype=”paid” data-isfreecall=”false” data-isrtl=”false” data-ismobile=”false”>757-238-3413757-238-3413
Agenda will include: Status of State Associations in Ruritan National, AVR Bylaws, AVR Incorporation, 2016 AVR Rally, 2016 AVR Election, AVR Long-Range Plan and Ruritan Growth, Ruritan Billboards, Ruritan Road Signs, etc.
Please let President George know if you have items for the Agenda.
New London Club is located on Rt 460 about half way between Lynchburg and Bedford, just west of Timberlake, VA. Club is physically located about 600 feet east of intersection of Rt 460 and New London Road (gas station, Food Lion, Sheetz at that intersection).
There is a small church near the road and in front of New London Clubhouse.
Club house located on left if traveling from Lynchburg and, of course, on right, if traveling from Bedford. Drive around back of the Clubhouse and enter back door.
President George states: This will be a great fellowship but, most important, it will be a decision-making meeting.
Don’t forget to make your lunch reservations by this Sunday!