18121 Technology Drive
Culpeper, VA 22701

The 2015 Rapidan District Convention will be Saturday, November 14, 2015. The Daniel Technology Center (Germanna Community College) at 18121 Technology Drive, Culpeper, VA 22701, USA has been reserved for our use!
Registration begins at 12:30pm. Training for Officers begins at 1pm. Lecture style training, and online training offered. Business meeting begins at 2:30pm. Installation of officers and Awards Banquet begins at 5:00pm.
Our National President Bobby Burton is our honored guest speaker for our Banquet. Mill Valley BBQ will be catering the meal. We have ordered the following menu from Mill Valley BBQ: Rib Eye Steak, Grilled Chicken, Tossed Salad, Fresh Fruit Salad, Gourmet Cole Slaw, Buttered Parsley Potatoes, Assorted Pies, Homemade Cookies, Sweet Tea. Cost of the dinner is $12.50 per person. Individual Clubs should RSVP and send money for the dinner to Fulton Payne at 855 Deerfield Rd., Louisa, VA 23093. FMI Fulton Payne at 434-589-8797434-589-8797+14345898797
+14345898797” data-numbertype=”paid” data-isfreecall=”false” data-isrtl=”false” data-ismobile=”false”>