[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBt3bZ6iE_c&w=853&h=480] From the Desk of the Lt. Governor: CVTV (a local television station) in Spotsylvania County, VA, responded quickly to our request for a free PSA promoting Ruritan awareness by …
PSA Video Promoting Ruritan Clubs Airing On CVTV In Spotsylvania County VA
Need new members? Consider recruiting your local businesses!
From the desk of Lt. Governor: Does your club have any business members? If not, your club may be missing out on some great opportunities to improve their membership, publicity, …
Youth are our future
From the desk of the Lt. Governor: As we look to the future of Ruritan, there can be no doubt, if the Ruritan clubs are to survive, we would be …
Welcome To Ruritan’s Rapidan District
Welcome to the official website of the Ruritan’s Rapidan District! This website is a resource for useful information about Ruritan Clubs to Ruritan members and the general public. Ruritan is …